ப்ரான்ஸ் - நைஜிரியா
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நைஜீரியாவில் பிடித்தது அந்த கோல் கீப்பர் என்னீயீமா (Enyeama). ஆளு சரியான குட்டை. பார்ப்பதற்கு நம் ஊர் நடிகர் ஒருவர் மாதிரி இருந்தார், மதராசப்பட்டணத்தில் ஆங்கிலம் சொல்லித் தருவாரே ஒரு கூத்துப்பட்டறை நடிகர். அவரை மாதிரியே இருந்தார். பயங்கர நட்புறவோடு இருந்தார். முந்திய பந்தயம் ஒன்றில் அவர் எதிரணி வீரர்களோடு மிகச் சாதாரணமாக, மகிழ்ச்சியாக கலந்து உறவாடினார். அதைவிட அந்தப் போட்டியில் எந்த வீரரின் சத்தத்தை விட இவர் சத்தம் மிகவும் அதிகமாகக் கேட்டது. கோல் முன்னால் இவரது அணி ஆட்கள் தடுப்புக்காக நிற்கும் போது மிகச் சத்தமாக ‘அமா ... அமா’ என்று சத்தமாகக் கத்துவார். நைஜீரிய மொழியில் அமா என்றால் என்ன அர்த்தம் என்று கேட்க வேண்டும்.
இப்படி ஒரு ஆசையில் நைஜீரியாவில் பத்தாண்டு பேராசிரியராக இருந்த நண்பன் ஒருவருக்கு ஒரு கடிதம் எழுதினேன் ....
what is that அமா ... அமா’ ???
Dear Sam
I have to find out where this Enyema is from first. There are three major lanuages Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa. In addition there are more than 15 languages and dialects I know of (Bendel (now split into three states) alone has seven languages; there could be more. let me investigate and come back to you, probably in a day or two. Missives have already been fired off to Nigeria to know about the Goal keeper and what "Ama" means. I am expecting interesting results.
Regards Regi
Dear Sam
I have not got any replies from my Nigerian friends yet. However I traced Vincent Enyeama to Akwa Ibom State in South-southern Nigeria in the delta (oil-producing area). There are seven languages spoken there, but one spoken commonly is Igbo, one of the major languages as I mentioned earlier. Akwa Ibom was a part of the Biafran Conflict and I am not surprised that Igbo is spoken there (Biafran Civil War was Igbos against the rest of Nigeria).
"Ama" in several dialects of Igbo (also called Ibo) simply means "I am". This word has been adopted by African- Americans with Igbo ethnic links without knowing its real meaning. In the football context you mentioned, i.e. when the wall is formed in front of the goal during a free kick, the goal keeper shouting "Ama" simply means do not block me; let the kick be clean to me because, the goal keeper does not want the ball to be hidden from him when the opponent executes the kick. Most often the ball will go over the wall and dip towards the goal and the goal keeper needs to see it and not hidden because of the wall made by his own teammates. If you watch the replays, Enyeama also will be making hand signals laterally asking for unobstructed view of the ball. "Ama" should result in the shuffling adjustment of the wall to give him a clean view of the striker. Igbo or Ibo will be understood by all the Nigerian Players.
Enyeama is 5' 1.5" tall. Is that short?
I will be surprised if my Nigerian friends give any other interpretation. Being a Nigerian Chief (Wise man of the Olomu Isokos - another Delta tribe) should count for something!
Best regards
Being a Nigerian Chief (Wise man of the Olomu Isokos - another Delta tribe) ......... who is this???
One correction - Enyeama is 5" 11.5" tall! I made a typo error and put 1.5".
You na savy who Chief be Olomu Isokos?
Na me oh my brother! Way pass many many years ago!
In case you did not catch the pidgin, I was conferred this honorary title in 1987 for my work with nomadic Isokos who fished the Niger Floodplains below Niger -Benue Confluence. I practically lived with these folks during the dry season with my Nigerian graduate students for years. My services to them went past my research interests and this was an honour conferred in recognition. I will send you a copy of a book chapter that shows my involvement with them. The title also came with a sumptuous and well-endowed pretty young wife whom I had to decline politely citing lack of permission from my senior wife (also for olfactory reasons; the kid smelled of fish all the time)! The Military government in power at that time did not recognize the title in the gazette, but gave me permission to live in Nigeria as a permanent resident. As for as the fishermen folk were concerned I am one of their Chiefs with a title of the 'Wise man' and that cannot be changed till that generation disappears. This will all appear in a non-fiction book, A Journey through Nigeria, I have been writing for sometime in fits and starts whenever I get time. Whether it will ever see print is a another matter!
Best regards
One of my Nigerian friends called me yesterday in reply to my query about "Ama". When I told him that he need not have wasted money calling me, his reply was that "Football is a serious business in Nigeria"
He confirms that Vincent Enyeama is from Akwa Ibom, formerly in Cross River State. Apparently Enyeama is a celebrated footballer in Israel!
Coming to the point, he interprets "Ama" as "Me" (I said "I am"). He mimicked 'Ama...Ama...Ama" on phone, and repeated as "Me..Me...Me ". Enyeama is calling attention to himself that he should have clean access to the ball. It makes a lot of sense. Does it?
I was surprised that you posted the answer to the "Chief" question.
My friend is from the Delta, but from another tribe called Ijaw
Best regards
One of my Nigerian friends called me yesterday in reply to my query about "Ama". When I told him that he need not have wasted money calling me, his reply was that "Football is a serious business in Nigeria"
He confirms that Vincent Enyeama is from Akwa Ibom, formerly in Cross River State. Apparently Enyeama is a celebrated footballer in Israel!
Coming to the point, he interprets "Ama" as "Me" (I said "I am"). He mimicked 'Ama...Ama...Ama" on phone, and repeated as "Me..Me...Me ". Enyeama is calling attention to himself that he should have clean access to the ball. It makes a lot of sense. Does it?
I was surprised that you posted the answer to the "Chief" question.
My friend is from the Delta, but from another tribe called Ijaw
Best regards


கால்ப்பந்தாட்டத்தை தீவிரமா கவனிப்பதை கவனிச்சுட்டே தான் இருக்கேன் , பின்னூட்டம் போடலாம்னா முடியல(வேற ஒன்னும் இல்லை கைப்பேசியில் படிப்பதால் வர வினை), அமா வுக்கு அர்த்தம் கண்டுப்பிடிக்க நைஜீரியா வரைக்கும் மெயில் போட ஆரம்பிச்சிட்டிங்களே , நல்ல ஆர்வம், இந்த ஆர்வம்லாம் நமக்கு இன்னும் வர மாட்டேங்குது அவ்வ்!
அமா என்றால் ஐ ஆம் என உங்க நண்பர் சொன்னது போக ,
ama igbo = land of igbo(people)
//The research by Historians indicated that Amaigbo Town is the ancestral Home of the Igbos. It is also on record that Amaigbo town produced the First King of Africa in the person of King Jaja of Opobo. Statistics has also proved that Amaigbo town is the most populous Town in old Orlu Division of Imo State, and one of the most populous in Imo State. //
ama igbo என ஒரு நகரம் நைஜீரியாவில் இருக்கு, மேலும் ama breweries என ஒன்றும் இருக்கு.
In 1957, the company commissioned its second brewery in Aba. Kaduna Brewery was commissioned in 1963 while Ibadan Brewery came on stream in 1982. In 1993, the company acquired its fifth brewery in Enugu. In October 2003, a sixth brewery, sited at Ameke, in Enugu State was commissioned and christened Ama Brewery. Ama Brewery is today, the biggest and most modern brewery in Nigeria.
ama eke = market place
ama என்றால் "நிலம்" என பொதுவாக இக்போ மொழியில் பொருள் இருக்கு.
கோல் கீப்பர் ama ,ama என சொன்னது ...இடம் விடுங்க என்றோ அல்லது கேப் விடாம என சொல்லவோ அல்லது இந்த பக்கம் இடம் காலியா இருக்கு தள்ளி வா என சொல்லவோ இருக்கலாம்.
igbo people ஆதி வரலாறு யூதர்களிடம் இருந்து ஆரம்பிக்குது , 72 யூத சாமியார்கள் நைஜீரியவில் குடியேறி 72 கிராமங்களை அமைச்சு ,அதில் இருந்து உருவான வம்சா வழியினர் இக்போ மக்கள் என போகுது, ama mini என ஒரு யூத சாமியாரின் பெயராம் ,அவரால் தான் அப்போ அமா கிராமம் உருவாச்சு என யூத வழியில் சொல்லுறாங்க .
ஹீப்ருவில் அமா என்றால் பெண் , அடிமை ,அல்லது முன் கை எனப்பொருளாம்.
அசோகர் புத்தகத்தினை ஈரோட் புத்தக சந்தையில் வெளியிட்டமைக்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள் ,கைப்பேசியில் அப்போ படிச்சதால அந்தப்பதிவுல சொல்ல முடியாம போச்சு , தாமதமா சொன்னாலும் சொல்லிடுவோம்ல ஹி...ஹி!
விலை தான் 400 ரூ வச்சுட்டிங்க , கட்டிங் போடாமலே கிர்ருனு இருக்கு அவ்வ்!
நன்றி ஐயா
தம 1
Being a Nigerian Chief (Wise man of the Olomu Isokos - another Delta tribe) ......... who is this???
One correction - Enyeama is 5" 11.5" tall! I made a typo error and put 1.5".
You na savy who Chief be Olomu Isokos?
Na me oh my brother! Way pass many many years ago!
In case you did not catch the pidgin, I was conferred this honorary title in 1987 for my work with nomadic Isokos who fished the Niger Floodplains below Niger -Benue Confluence. I practically lived with these folks during the dry season with my Nigerian graduate students for years. My services to them went past my research interests and this was an honour conferred in recognition. I will send you a copy of a book chapter that shows my involvement with them. The title also came with a sumptuous and well-endowed pretty young wife whom I had to decline politely citing lack of permission from my senior wife (also for olfactory reasons; the kid smelled of fish all the time)! The Military government in power at that time did not recognize the title in the gazette, but gave me permission to live in Nigeria as a permanent resident. As for as the fishermen folk were concerned I am one of their Chiefs with a title of the 'Wise man' and that cannot be changed till that generation disappears. This will all appear in a non-fiction book, A Journey through Nigeria, I have been writing for sometime in fits and starts whenever I get time. Whether it will ever see print is a another matter!
Best regards
One of my Nigerian friends called me yesterday in reply to my query about "Ama". When I told him that he need not have wasted money calling me, his reply was that "Football is a serious business in Nigeria"
He confirms that Vincent Enyeama is from Akwa Ibom, formerly in Cross River State. Apparently Enyeama is a celebrated footballer in Israel!
Coming to the point, he interprets "Ama" as "Me" (I said "I am"). He mimicked 'Ama...Ama...Ama" on phone, and repeated as "Me..Me...Me ". Enyeama is calling attention to himself that he should have clean access to the ball. It makes a lot of sense. Does it?
I was surprised that you posted the answer to the "Chief" question.
My friend is from the Delta, but from another tribe called Ijaw
Best regards
//I was surprised that you posted the answer to the "Chief" question.//
it 'smelt' so good. so posted it.
how come they still hold on to those 'old' customs?
அமாவ விடுங்க. உலகக்கோப்பையின் கால் இறுதி மற்ற ஆட்டங்களை பற்றி இடுகை போடுங்க. குறிப்பா ஏன் பிரேசில் இப்படி இருக்குன்னு இஃகி இஃகி
அட் .. இப்பதான் பார்க்கிறேன். சென்ற உலகக்கோப்பையில் பிடித்த கோல் கீப்பர் என்று இவர் படத்தைத் தான் போட்டிருந்திருக்கிறேன்!
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